Harvest Check 2022

Even though over the past two years, the pandemic thwarted our travel plans to visit Rwanda to buy our coffee directly, we’ve remained in close contact with the Co-operatives by email & phone.

Last month our Bean Cadet in Rwanda, Gasigwa, made the long journey across Lake Kivu by canoe to visit the co-operatives at the Kivu Lake washing station.

He met farmers and graders to check the harvest & was able to report back that again this year the quality of the green bean was very high and plentiful.

With this report confirmed, we have now managed to place our orders for 2022 & 2023.

During the visit, Gasigwa also met the station owners and viewed some of the great work they are doing with a health clinic they helped set up, supporting the local community.

As a thank you, Praego donated £500 to help with their maternity unit and the rest of the team are looking forward to seeing the clinic & farmers when we visit in October.