The current situation here and in Rwanda


We continue to work really closely with our team in Rwanda. The country has been in severe lockdown for some weeks, but we hope will ease up soon.

We have been very impressed with the speed and efficiency of the Rwandan Government to restrict the growth of this terrible virus, but it is having a terrible effect on the harvesting and export of green coffee beans.

The past three months have seen many of the Noel orphanage young people we have sponsored, as well as many families with young children, suffering in crisis.

So with schools closed until September, we have, with the money we have saved here, been able to support a raft of individuals and families with a months’ worth of food aid (April and May paid so far).

Point Foundation team members Viateur and Gasigwa have been fantastic by arranging permits then going to the markets to bulk buy foods.

This has then been delivered to their homes where they are made into individual parcels for distribution to around 50 individuals and 40 x families in the Kanembwe area.

We continue to pay the 9 teacher salaries we sponsor, as well as the staff team at Mwogo and the Point Foundation farm is now bearing fruit with milk and vegetables being distributed within this community.

We are lucky in that we still have plenty of stock of green bean here in the UK waiting to be roasted and we hope our orders for 2020 due into the UK in July and October.

With our thoughts and best wishes to all our customers and supply partners.